by Devin Yang
(This article was automatically translated.)

Published - 7 years ago ( Updated - 7 years ago )


Since queue workers are a long-running program, we need a program manager supervisor to monitor whether the process on the Linux system is running continuously. For example, when the queue:work operation fails, the queue:work process can be automatically restarted. Fortunately, D-Laravel has a built-in supervisor, so it can be used without installing it on Mac OS.

When you want to use the queue function on Laravel and Laravle Echo and Events and Broadcasting or Notifications,
You should already be using the supervisor application.

Running supervisor on D-Laravel is quite simple.
You need to update to D-Laravel v1.2.15 to support ./console supervisor start command.

If you use the old version of D-Laravel, you can use Docker official instructions to execute, which will be mentioned in this article.


1. Create a supervisor configuration file to the etc/supervisor folder in D-Laravel
In fact, there is already a sample in it,
So we can simply copy this sample to modify it.
It is assumed that dlaravel is installed in our home directory, so the command is as follows:
cd ~/dlaravel/etc/supervisor
cp laravel-worker.conf.sample laravel-worker.conf
vim laravel-work.conf laravl-work.conf
In the above command setting, I use Laravel's default queue, so I don't specify --quque=.
myproject is the project we want to execute queue:work in D-Laravel's sites folder.

2. Lift the seal
In docker-compose.yml, remove the # comment on the supervisor setting mount in the php service section.
comment out supervisor

3. Execute the super Xiaoqiang in the php container, oh wrong, it is supervisor.
D-Laravel is the environment of docker. Of course, we can use the official instructions to execute the commands in the container.
The syntax executed in the folder of dlaravel is as follows:
docker-compose exec php /etc/init.d/supervisor start

Remember, in the second step above , we removed the comment # , so that the php container can mount the etc/supervisor folder in the dlaravel directory on our host.
And in the first step , we also produced the laravel-work.conf file, so the supervisor in the php container can be started according to our laravel-work.conf settings.

For Linux beginners, it may be difficult to remember such a long command, so a simple bash is provided in the new version of D-Laravel ,
Let us save a few words, we can start or stop supervisor through ./console
./console supervisor start
./console supervisor restart

4. Detect whether the program in the container is executed (additional supplement).
We can check whether the supervisor program in the container is executed through ./console top command.
./console top php

./console top php

Tags: dlaravel

Devin Yang

Feel free to ask me, if you don't get it.:)

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