by Devin Yang
(This article was automatically translated.)

Published - 7 years ago ( Updated - 7 years ago )

D-Laravel v1.2.1 revision instructions
use GuzzleHttp\Client; When posting, there is an access denied problem.
If you are upgrading from an older version, you may need to adjust the configuration file in etc/default-ssl.conf (if there is one)
Please adjust php:9000 to web:9000, you can adjust it by executing ./console secure once.

The docker-compose configuration file section,
PHP-FPM container changed to network_mode: "service:web"

And remove the relevant settings of the PHP-FPM container part.
hostname: php
- dlaravel_net

You can refer to the following changes, and similar corrections may be required on your local side:
Modifications on github

Manual adjustment, you need to pay attention to whether the two files generated after downloading are correctly set.
docker-compose-custom.yml (please use network_mode: "service:web" in the php-fpm container part)
./etc/default-ssl.conf (If there is this file under ./etc, please adjust php:9000 to web:9000)

If you can't adjust it yourself, there is an easier way to update.

Copy the database data and project of the old version to the directory of the new version for testing, the process is as follows:
1. Download a new trial directly, and name the folder dlaravel-test
git clone dlaravel-test
2. Enter the new version test folder dlaravel-test.
cd dlaravel-test
3. Copy the old version mysql database to the new version dlaravel-test directory.
cp -r ~/dlaravel/data .
4. Copy the old version of the project to the new version of the sites directory, for example, here I copied sites/test3 to the new version of the sites directory.
It is assumed here that you have a test3 project in the old version
cp -r ~/dlaravel/sites/test3 sites/
5. Start the test. If the container of your old version of d-laravel is starting, please turn it off first, so as to avoid connection server conflicts.
The following commands directly create and execute containers on standard ports 80, 443 and 3306.
./console normal
Or execute ./console up directly, the default is random random port.

You can refer to the release note of this version.

If you encounter any problems with the update, you can also leave a message as a visitor in the D-Laravel chat room:
D-Laravel chat room

Tags: d-laravel docker

Devin Yang

Feel free to ask me, if you don't get it.:)

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