by Devin Yang
(This article was automatically translated.)

Published - 6 years ago ( Updated - 6 years ago )

D-Laravel has provided a built php image, if you need to adjust it yourself and build your own dedicated image is quite simple.

1. First, enter dockerfiles/fpm in D-Laravel , and select the PHP version you want to build, such as 7.2.
The command is as follows:
cd dockerfiles/fpm/7.2

2. You can adjust the PHP extensions to be installed according to your own needs.
If you want to know about PHP's Dockerfile configuration, you can refer to the official link below:

Example: PECL extension package installation.

3. When a new version of the PHP image is released, we can actually simply adjust the version number on the Dockerfile to build the latest version of the PHP fpm image.
FROM php:7.2.1-fpm
changed to
FROM php:7.2.2-fpm

4. After the modification is completed, you can execute the command to perform the Build Image action.
docker build -t myimage .

5. Remember to update our docker-compose.yml file, and change the PHP image to the image you built.

Tags: dlaravel

Devin Yang

Feel free to ask me, if you don't get it.:)

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