No chance to attend Laracon in the US? Be a little fan, come and see the speeches of these top program developers. Let's find out what's new in Laravel!!
Laravel provides quite a lot of useful packages, such as Passport is one of them, when the website needs to set up its own OAuth2 authentication host, it really saves time and effort. Take this site as an example, because the front-end and back-end separation mechanisms are adopted (there are two different Laravel projects), and I verify them through the front-end WEB. Basically, I have many other different projects, and they all rely on OAuth2 provided by Laravel to handle cross-domain authentication.
Before starting your Livewire journey, here are three basic considerations about public properties: 1. The property name must not conflict with a property name reserved for Livewire (such as $rules or $message) 2. Store in Data in public properties is visible to front-end JavaScript. Therefore, you should not store sensitive data in it. 3. Properties can only be JavaScript-friendly data types (string, integer, array, boolean), or one of the following PHP types: Stringable, Collection, DateTime, Model, EloquentCollection.
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