Published - 4 years ago ( Updated - 4 years ago )
The gitlab built with docker has been useless for a long time, and I forgot the password, how to reset it.
We should be able to enter the gitlab container through the following command
docker exec -ti gitlab bash
Then execute the following command to reset: Please wait for the execution to complete. 1. Execute the following commands as root to enter the Ruby on Rails console.
gitlab-rails console -e production
Second, catch the first user.
user = User.where(id: 1).first
Enter user to view the name again
irb(main):003:0> user
=> #<User id:1 @root>
Enter user.eamil to get mailbox
irb(main):010:0> user = User.where(id: 6).first
=> #<User id:6 @thor>
=> "thor@avengers.test"
Or get the user by email
user = User.find_by(email: 'thor@avengers.test')
To change the password, execute
user.password = 'secret_pass'
user.password_confirmation = 'secret_pass'
Finally, save and press Ctrl+d to leave.
user. save!
The following is an actual execution example:

If you don't know how to configure GitLab with docker, you can refer to the link below:
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