by Devin Yang
(This article was automatically translated.)

Published - 7 years ago ( Updated - 7 years ago )


This article introduces why the docker-compose ps official command cannot list all the services in use when we use D-Laravel's .env to load multiple yml files.
But the ./console ps on D-Laravel can indeed display normally, so how can the official docker-compose command be used to have the same effect?

docker-compose small classroom

First of all, when we use docker-compose up -d or docker-compose down , it will grab the docker-compose.yml file in the directory by default.

docker-compose actually provides the -f parameter, allowing us to use multiple yml files and non-default names.
In the example below, two yaml files are started at the same time through -f.

At this time, docker-compose ps you may find that the service of reids cannot be seen because two different yml files are in different directories.
Therefore, if we need to view the ps of redis , we need to add -p to represent the name of the project (the default is the directory name).
Or complete command -f docker-compose-random.yml -f service/redis.yml

Below, let's take a look at what D-Laravel provides, ./console ps ,
When matching .env, how to help us get the ps display of multiple yaml files, is it much more convenient? In the figure below, you will see that if you just use
When you docker-compose ps, you can't see the program for redis.

Original official instructions : (Only two yml files are listed here, what if we want to load more yml files??)
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f service/redis.yml ps

After simplification through ./console: ( D-Laravel with .env, is it so simple to explode )
./console ps


Tags: docker

Devin Yang

Feel free to ask me, if you don't get it.:)

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